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A story of meeting the right person at the wrong time

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

At the most unexpected moment in my life, I met the most unexpected person, that triggered a mountain of feelings and emotions that I never experienced in my life before. Meeting the right person at the wrong time was something I never believed in. If two people are truly meant to be, how the time can be wrong? But now I know how important time can be; because of our story, because only time was not on our side, and in the end, time was the only thing we needed.

We are two people that shared a unique and profound connection, but timing did not allow us to go until the end. Going until the end would have meant inflicting immense pain on each other while being aware that it would inevitably end. You have to go back, to build your future, chase after your dreams, and find your right one, once again. But this time, she would stay, because the timing would allow it. I need to do the same for myself, but thanks to you, thanks to the connection we have shared, I know now what am I looking for. Because of all the respect, you have shown me, I know now how I want my next one to treat me.  And for that, I am eternally grateful to you; grateful for teaching me how to trust, for teaching me how to allow myself to have feelings for someone. Feelings I was always scared of and never believed were possible to feel for someone so strongly, in such a short time. What we had, was so intense and taught me so many lessons, that our sorrowful ending makes worth all the pain. And despite all that pain, we are going through right now, we still have each other. We were mature enough to decide that friendship is the right way of moving forward. Despite the mutual sexual attraction and desire, we shared something deeper than that; we both cared about each other, we listened and we remembered, we laughed a lot, we always understood each other, but more importantly, we were always there for each other. We are both strong enough to allow that deep connection to grow and flourish into a strong friendship. Letting you go completely, would have meant losing a dearest to my heart person. And that is something I could not live with. I never wanted to give up on us, even if it meant us being separated for a long time. But the inevitable distance would have broken us apart, eventually.

I am thankful that you were the one who protected us both, by suggesting a friendship. A friendship that saved us both from being turned into million pieces later. And in our friendship, the distance would never come in between us. We would always be one message or phone call away from each other. You would always be a very special friend to me, because you were my most unexpected one.

Yours Trully

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